Obtain Dominica 1st as your second passport and second nationality to become able to travel without visa to 100 countries, live and work in UK easily, do business without paying tax, no forced army and military service, freedom to do business with the whole world, with no limits, with security and privacy

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Get your second citizenship and enjoy visa free travel quickly at Dominica 1st

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Application procedure for the citizenship of Dominica

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    In summary, there are four main steps to apply and obtain the Dominica citizenship and passport:
  • Initial application form submission and settling advanced payments.
  • Collecting and correcting documents– We help you on collecting and supplying right documents
  • Taking care of official investigations – We will locally follow up for due-diligence process and respond to official queries by our skilled local lawyers, until getting the due diligence approval.
  • Final payment and issuing naturalization certification and passport – We prepare you for a successful interview and send your passport to you.

We would suggest you to read these steps carefully and make yourself familiar with them.

Step ONE

Click here to initiate your Dominica 1st application by filling the initial application form. This form is capturing your basic information and you will get the initial payment instructions.

Step TWO

After you have paid the initial legal fees, we'll get you through the steps of the collection of offcial documents and then lead you to complete the required paperworks for the due-diligence agency.

For this reason, we start by officially registering your request, making the payments and provide you with various forms. You fill the forms, and mail it back to us via registered mail service. Depend on the information you provide in the initial forms we will assist you to on other required documents and we will guide you step by step through filling, organizing and collecting the documents.
You must mail the requested documents of yours and all members of your family who are including the application by registered mail or courier.
We will get through your the documents carefully and will advise you if they need any corrections.
When the documents are became ready, we will officially present them to the due-diligence and the Dominica government officials and we will make required payments.


We then will assist you to fill the "Form 12", "Disclosure Form", formal letters and "Medical Form".
Your documents are being sent for investigation by a detective agency. The government of Dominica authorizes and appoints the detective agency to preform due-diligence on applications for Dominica's economic citizenship.
We are in touch with the detectives and will answer their questions in your behalf.

In some unlikely events the detective agency needs to investigate specific issues which will cost beyond normal. In such rare cases, they will send their price quote for the required investigation on that particular cases. In this case, you need to directly pay this extra investigation cost into the dective agency account.

It should take about one month for the results of the due-diligence agency.


After receiving the results of due diligence, the reminder of the amount has to be transferred to the Government account. The application for Dominica citizenship and second passport requires full prepayment.
The initial payments, which you already have paid will be used to pay stamp, government, professional and other legal fees.

You then will receive a leeter from the Government confirming the acceptancy of the application that also is invitation letter to attend the final interview.

Main Applicant must attend the final interview with Commonwealth of Dominica's Prime Minister or his agent if the interview happens inside Dominica, or if you must attend interview outside of Dominica's borders, with the Dominica's prime minister appointed special commission.
Don't worry, we make you familiarize with Dominica and will help you to get prepared for a successful interview.

About three weeks after interview your "Certificate of Naturalization" and your "Dominica 1st" will be issued. We will deliver your Dominica 1st and citizenship documents to you by registered courier as soon as we get them for you.

Please accept our congratulation on becoming a citizen of a free, beautiful and tax-free frontally and enjoy your new passport, which is giving you freedom to travel!

Apply now to get your second passport of Dominica for freedom, visa-free travel and tax-free life.